Two families whose lives intersect, two refugees who travel far-flung paths: from Vienna in the 1930s to England in the 1940s—and back—The Third Man is a novel about dispossession, refuge, and the morally complex search for justice and humanity. The novel was inspired by the author's family. His parents left Vienna in 1938, and his first cousins (Sir Erich Reich and his brothers) were on the Kindertransport to England.
Randolph Splitter has previously published three books: The Ramadan Drummer (Pandamoon), a novel about clashing values and the search for connection in a multicultural world; the novella/story collection Body and Soul (Creative Arts); and a psychoanalytic study of Marcel Proust from Routledge & Kegan Paul. His short stories have appeared in such places as the Chicago Quarterly Review, JewishFiction.net, and Akashic Books’ Mondays are Murder series. He’s also written prize-winning screenplays and made short films.
He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Hamilton College; earned a Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Berkeley; and taught literature, creative writing, and composition at Caltech and De Anza College. He currently lives with his wife in Portland, Oregon, where he writes novels, dodges raindrops, and exercises his social conscience.